Alexandra Baker Fine Art

2024 Serendipity Installation Guide

Floor One

Angel Wings, 2023     1

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 60 inches 


This painting is a visual representation of the split between Earthly and Heavenly realms, and the wings of our Angels who surround and protect us. This is a painting honoring our deceased loved ones.

Take Up Space, 2024     2

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 60 inches


This self portrait celebrates the body as our one and only home during this lifetime.  

We Tried To Mend The Rain, 2023     3

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 60 inches


Have you ever tried to solve a problem that only the Most High could solve? Sometimes the only thing you can do is give it to God! Let it rain, and dance in it!

A Love Song 4 Latasha, 2024     4

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 48 inches


This painting aims to honor the life of Latasha Harlins - a young woman whose life was cut short too soon, March 16th of 1991. Tupac’s “Keep Ya Head Up” is dedicated to her. A Love Song For Latasha (2019) is available for view on Netflix–learn about a beautiful person from the view point of those who love her.

God Sneezed, 2020     5

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 60 inches


This piece is in part about Nature using chaos to spin us down our Divine Path. This painting encourages us to slow down and enjoy the process while we make our way towards our 

destiny/destination. The Artist has chosen to sleep beneath this painting for years - this is the first time this painting is Available for Purchase.

Mahogany Gummy Bears, 2024     6

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 60 inches


This piece is a fun, funky Rothko-inspired color blocking piece. What do you feel when you view it?

Floor Two

Cowskin, 2022     7

Mixed Media & Fabric on Canvas

48 x 60 inches


This painting is an abstract expression with a modern twist. Cowskin will go great in any space and is an example of the Artist’s versatility in creating fine art.

Grape Drop, 2024     8

Mixed Media on Canvas

48 x 48 inches


Inspired by the grape flavors of childhood medicines and purple popsicles, this feel-good piece reminds us of the power of healing. This painting is dedicated to Saint Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead after Lazarus had been dead for four days. A patron saint of healing, this painting is the epitome of Healing Thru Color.

Purple Elephant, 2024     9

Mixed Media on Canvas

10 x 10 inches


These three are my smallest pieces to date! Purple Elephant is a fun tribute to the vibrant energy of the elephant.

Mr. Beetle Bug, 2024     10

Acrylic on Canvas

10 x 10 inches


This painting depicts whatever your imagination shows you – the Artist sees a small beetle bug turned away from us, off to fulfill his beetle bug duties.

Alien Goo, 2024     11

Acrylic on Canvas

10 x 10 inches


Aliens fascinate the Artist and this piece looks as if an Alien shot it’s goo onto the canvas Spider Man style.

Water Carrier, 2024     12

Mixed Media on Canvas

24 x 30 inches


All life comes from the womb. Those who carry the ability to birth can be known as Water Carriers. This painting was painted on Mother’s Day and seeks to honor all mothers, including our great mother, The Earth. 

South Winds Blow, 2022     13

Mixed Media on Canvas

24 x 30 inches


This painting is a visual representation of our Ancestors blowing sweet Blessings into our lives from the warm southern winds.

Coral, 2024     14

Mixed Media on Canvas

24 x 30 inches


If you’ve ever been blessed to go snorkeling or scuba diving along an underwater reef, you understand the Artist’s obsession with coral. She loves coral so much in fact that she made herself a necklace of coral and abalone which she wears daily. This piece honors all things under the sea!